Mt. Washington

It’s been perfect weather in New England. It’s as if God is rewarding me for fighting my way out of the moody blues last week. The mother in law arrived in style Friday. It was fun to show her the house, it doesn’t look quite the same as it did the last time she left Justin in it. Victory. I affectionately refer to her as Shorty. If you know her, you know it’s right. Anyway, Shorty is up in New Hampshire (the Granite State) for a conference. Speaking of the Granite State, if you’ve got some time google Granite State of Mind and watch a hysterical parody of Empire State of Mind. Back on point, we decided to drive up yesterday afternoon in the glorious sun through the White Mountains to spend a night with Shorty at her conference. Last minute trips are the best. We threw some stuff in a bag, Boo made a great playlist and three hours later we were nestled here in the foot hills. Gorgeous. Today we’re headed up to the peak of the mountain. Famous for the, use your worst weather man voice, WORST WEATHER IN THE WORLD!!!! But today is breathtaking and I’m pretty sure that the top of the mountain will be nothing short of magic. Thanks Shorty for the surprise mini-cation, it is exactly what we had no idea we needed.

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